01 -
Place parchment paper on a big baking sheet. Pour cereal into a large mixing bowl, and dump powdered sugar into a gallon bag with a zip seal.
02 -
Heat the white chocolate in a microwave for 30 seconds at a time, stirring in between. Or, melt it using a double boiler if you prefer.
03 -
Drizzle the melted chocolate over the cereal and stir it all up until it’s evenly covered. Scoop half of this into your bag of powdered sugar, then shake until coated.
04 -
Stir pretzels into the cereal left in the bowl. Lay it on the parchment sheet, toss on sprinkles and M&Ms, then sprinkle the powdered sugar-coated cereal over the top.
05 -
Let the whole thing chill for about 20 minutes. After that, break any large clusters apart before serving.